
This section is dedicated to Reviews we wrote, or covered on our YouTube Channel. The Videos are hosted on our YouTube Channel and we usually submit new reviews when suppliers send us any new material or during a visit at the club. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel not to miss any new videos, Reviews and guides that we publish regularly. The ? means its a written Review while ?️ means its a video review.

♣️ Interview to the Amiga Malta User Club Facebook Group Admins. ♣️

?️ ♣️ Interview to the Amiga Malta User Club Facebook Group Admins. ♣️

1. What is the future of the group.
2. Why the group is dedicated to the Amiga
3. Recent activities in the group.
4. How to join the group
5. Amiga Repairs and services


♣️ Review of the Hyperkin Retron 77 Console and extras. ♣️

?️ ♣️ Review of the Hyperkin Retron77 Console which accepts real Atari 2600 Cartridges, Joysticks and Paddles. ♣️

This review covers:

1. Uploading Games on the SD Card
2. Access Fat16 on windows 10
3. Formatting the SD Card
4. Uploading a new image on the SD Card
5. Buttons and functions available on the Console.
6. Joysticks & Paddles functionality
7. Play-ability of the games.
8. Overall score and availability in Europe

♣️ Currah Speech 64 Review ♣️
? ♣️ Review of the Currah Speech 64 and its internals. How it works and what type of custom chip uses.♣️
♣️ John Hertell Visit to Malta Sept 2018 and his A1200 Motherboard Review. ♣️
?️ ♣️ During John Hertell Visit he showed us the new A1200 Motherboard, so we decided to create a video review of the A1200. Check our opinion on this new Motherboard. ♣️
♣️ The Quick Data Drive for the C64 Review ♣️
? ♣️ Review of the Quick Data Drive Wafer for the C64. Inside Cartridge, it's short success life and issues encountered by suppliers. ♣️