The club was founded in 1998 with the aim to preserve the history of computers and share information with the public. The idea started when our founder had a school project, in build his own minicomputer. After publishing an announcement on the school magazine, students donated their old computers. At the end of the project he had more than 30 computers and did not want to dispose of them, so he started collecting these computers.
Currently the club is located in Attard where we meet up every Sunday and open for the public. our aim is to open a technology museum but the current space is limited and only a partial part of our computer collection is displayed. The aim of the museum is to help future generations understand more how technology became part of our daily life, and most important what type of technology we had. On our site one can find most of the information he/she needs for his project or research. We offer many services such as robotics and repair courses which can help anyone achieve a better understanding of both yesterdays and today’s technology.
Our mission is to preserve computer technology, share information and open a computer museum in Malta, which would offer information to the general public regarding vintage computers. The museum would offer students a key-place where to get information needed in order to understand better the computer's world.
As our mission statement states, we preserve today’s technology for future generations. We are not nostalgic as most people think, but more to preserve our past identity in design, style and innovation of that particular era or decade. This will help future generations to study and identify the style the creator or designer used at that time and evolve other ideas from them.
“I would like to create a place where students can explore and study old technology to inspire new designs. As I always say our past is our today’s identity and our inspiration for the future.”
Maurizio Banavage
Meet our founders & Team