ZX 80 |
KIT £75.95 (UK) $139.99 (US)
ASS £99.95 (UK) $179.99 (US) |
Boxed: No Serial Number on both 4 Assembled and 1 Kit |
1980 |
Zilog Z80 CPU running at a Frequency of 3,5 Mhz. |
8 Kbytes Rom and 1 Kbytes of Ram (some Machines had 2 Kbytes). Expandable to 64 Kbytes. |
Very Small Black plastic case with a white membrane keyboard for low cost production. The Sinclair Logo is embossed on the far end of the case, and a ZX81 Logo above the keyboard in red. On the left side there are the connections for the Tape and power sockets. While the bus expansion port is located at the back of the machine. The Keyboard membrane is a 40 key non standard QWERTY style with all the keys the same size except for the Line Key and the Shift key. The keys have 5 different functions which represents a basic command for faster programming. |
The Display is handled by the ULA chip ie the same pin as load and save operations. As a matter of fact while loading and saving on the TV you where presented with black zig zag stripes. This is due to the fact that to keep the Baud rate the screen frequency is being disrupted. On text mode it can display a resolution of 32×24′ and in Graphics mode 64×48. In both modes the CPU can only display 2 colors (Black and White). Some companies released modules that could transform the ZX81 into a color computer and a better graphic resolution. |
The ZX81 does not have any sound but Sinclair release a sound module with 3 Channels of Sound. Some users managed to produce white noise by simply using the FAST and SLOW commands in their programs. |
1 x Phono RF Connector.
2 x 3.5mm Mono Jack one for Save and the other to load from a normal cassette recorder.
1 x Edge Connector for upgrading memory, graphics and sound.
The power supply of the ZX81 is a common 9V DC 700mA. The only problem that was encountered with this type of power supply is that when you upgrade the machine, you had to change the power supply with a higher wattage rating. |
The weight is only 350g. As for the dimensions the ZX81 measured 167mm x 175mm x 40mm (W x L x H). |
Sinclair sold more than one million units around the world. |