ZX Spectrum+2

ZX Spectrum +2The Spectrum +2 is the successor of the Spectrum 128. It is the first Spectrum computer released by Amstrad after they bought the rights from Sinclair Inc in 1986. The Spectrum +2 has the same features as the Spectrum 128 except that the Rom is made by Amstrad and incorporated a Cassette recorder with a baud rate of 1200 bps (same as the ZX Spectrum 128K). Unfortunately it does not have a counter which makes it difficult to locate programs on tapes. The sound chip is the same that was used for the Spectrum 128K and the Display capabilities did not change either. Since it has a build in tape Amstrad removed the tape checker from the Commands startup Menu, but it’s still hidden inside the Rom. The Machine is fully compatible with the Spectrum 16K, 48K, 128K. It looks similar to Amstrad CPC 464 system. The build in tape removed some of the problems that the previous Spectrum 128K had on loading. The Keyboard was totally redesigned for a better typing touch.

ZX Spectrum +2
£200 (UK, 1986) later dropped to £149
Boxed: 016635T48
Zilog Z80A CPU Running at a frequency of 3.5469Mhz
32 Kbytes Rom of which 16 Kbytes are from the old 1982 Spectrum Rom and the other 16K contain the Plus 2 new and powerful version of BASIC. 128KBytes of Ram implemented as sixteen 64-Kbit Dram Chips. The machine used a banking scheme to take advantage of the extra Ram & Rom.
The case is very similar to the CPC-464. The colour of the machine from the Spectrum’s black case was changed to grey and a built in tape recorder at the right hand side was fitted for less loading problems. The keyboard is a non standard QWERTY style layout, and the colour was also changed to grey. All the basic commands were left out from the keyboard, leaving you in total darkness when you use it in 48K mode. The only way to write BASIC in 48K mode is to do your own template. The usual embossed Sinclair Logo was also included on the top left hand side and on the right hand side Amstrad included the SPECTRUM +2 logo.
The Spectrum +2 display capabilities are exactly the same as the ZX Spectrum 128K with one single video mode, which mixes text and graphics on a grid of 256×192 pixels. Characters are 8×8 pixels, with a text resolution of 32×24. 8 main colours are available and an extra BRIGHT attribute to increase the brightness of each color and gives you a total of 16 colours.
Sound like in the ZX Spectrum 128K is generated by an AY-3-8912 chip and is capable of producing 3 channels of sound plus one channel of white noise. There are 16 levels of volume and all the channels are produced separately by the chip and mixed externally as a mono signal. The chip also includes a MIDI In/Out ports for sound sampling.
1 X RF output which transmits both Audio and Video, 1 X 3.5mm Jack Socket for sound output to a HI FI system, 1 x Bus Expansion Port, 1 x 8-pin Din RGB or Composite Video output, 2 x Joystick non standard ports. 2 x RJ-11, one for both RS-232 or MIDI and the other connection for a numeric keypad.
Standard 9VDC 2100mA.
The case measures 440mm x 175mm x 50mm (W x L x H). The weight is approximately 2.5Kg.
Sinclair sold more than 1.8 million units around the world.

The club currently owns one ZX Spectrum +2 boxed with an Italian Manual, RF Lead, and original Joystick. The Machine is in excellent cosmetic and working condition.



3.5mm Jack Female
at the Computer

Pin Name Dir Desc
2 GND N/A Ground


Expansion Port

54 Pin Edge Connector

Pin Name Dir Desc
U1 A15 OUT Address 15
U2 A13 OUT Address 13
U3 D7 IN/
Data Bit 7
U4 N/C N/A No Conn
U5 D0 IN/
Data Bit 0
U6 D1 IN/
DataBit 1
U7 D2 IN/
Data Bit 2
U8 D6 IN/
Data Bit 6
U9 D5 IN/
Data Bit 5
U10 D3 IN/
Data Bit 3
U11 D4 IN/
Data Bit 4
U12 /INT IN Interrupt Request
U13 /NMI IN Non Mask Intr
U14 /HALT IN Request Port
U15 /MREQ IN Memory Request
U16 /IORQ IN IO Request
U17 /RD IN Read
U18 /WR IN Write
U19 -5V OUT -5V DC
U20 /WAIT IN Wait
U21 +12V OUT +12V
U22 -12V OUT -12V
U23 /M1 IN Memory 1
U24 /RFSH IN Refresh
U25 A8 OUT Address 8
U26 A10 OUT Address 10
U27 N/C N/A No Conn
L1 A14 OUT Address 14
L2 A12 OUT Address 12
L3 +5V OUT +5V DC
L4 +9V OUT +9V DC
L5 OV N/A Ground
L6 OV N/A Ground
L7 CK OUT Clock
L8 A0 OUT Address 0
L9 A1 OUT Address 1
L10 A2 OUT Address 2
L11 A3 OUT Address 3
L13 0V N/A Ground
L14 N/C N/A No Conn
L15 N/C N/A No Conn
L16 N/C N/A No Conn
L17 N/C N/A No Conn
L18 /BUSRQ IN Bus Request
L19 /RESET IN Reset
L20 A7 OUT Address 7
L21 A6 OUT Address 6
L22 A5 OUT Address 5
L23 A4 OUT Address 4
L24 /ROMCS IN Rom Channel Select
L25 /BUSACK IN Bus Acknow
L26 A9 OUT Address 9
L27 A11 OUT Address 11



3.5mm Jack Female
at the Computer

Pin Name Dir Desc
2 GND N/A Ground



35mm Jack Female
at the Computer

Pin Name Dir Desc
1 +9V IN +9C DC
2 GND N/A Ground



Phono Jack
at the Computer

Pin Name Dir Desc
2 GND N/A Ground



RJ11 Type

Pin Name Dir Desc
1 RETURN IN Return
2 N/C N/A No Conn
3 N/C N/A No Conn
4 N/C N/A No Conn
6 N/C N/A No Conn



RJ11 Type

Pin Name Dir Desc
2 REG 14 Bit 0 OUT Keypad IN
3 REG 14 Bit 4 IN Keypad OUT
4 REG 14 Bit 1 OUT Keypad IN
5 REG 14 Bit 5 IN Keypad OUT
6 +12V OUT +12V DC


RGB Monitor

8 Pin DIN (DIN45326) Female
at the Computer

Pin Name Dir Desc
1 PAL COMP OUT Composite Pal 1.2V
2 GND OUT Ground
3 LUM OUT Luminance
4 COMP SYNC OUT Composite Sync
5 VERT SYNC OUT Vertical Sync
6 GREEN OUT Green Channel
7 RED OUT Red Channel
8 BLUE OUT Blue Channel



RJ11 Type

Pin Name Dir Desc
1 GND N/A Ground
2 TXD OUT Transmit Data
3 RXD IN Receive Data
Data Terminal Ready
Clear To Send
6 +12V OUT +12V DC


Control Port 1

9 Pin D-Sub Male
at the computer

Pin Name Dir Desc
1 N/C N/A No Conn
2 GND N/A Ground
3 N/C N/A No Conn
4 FIRE IN Fire Button
5 JOYA0 IN Joystick UP
6 JOYA1 IN Joystick LEFT
7 JOYA2 IN Joystick RIGHT
8 GND N/A Ground
9 JOYA3 IN Joystick DOWN


Control Port 2

9 Pin D-Sub Male
at the computer

Pin Name Dir Desc
1 N/C N/A No Conn
2 GND N/A Ground
3 N/C N/A No Conn
4 FIRE IN Fire Button
5 JOYB0 IN Joystick UP
6 JOYB1 IN Joystick LEFT
7 JOYB2 IN Joystick RIGHT
8 GND N/A Ground
9 JOYB3 IN Joystick DOWN