The cosmetic appearance of the unit is very similar to the ZX Spectrum+, with the exception of the large heat sink on the right side of the unit. New features were introduced such as 128Kb Ram, three sound channels, Midi, RS-232, RGB connector, and a 32Kb rom with an improved basic editor and an external keypad. The machine was simultaneously launched for the first time in September 1985 at the SIMO’85 trade show in Spain and in UK for a price tag of £179.95. In UK the unit was only available in January 1986, a decision taken by Sinclair due to the high number of Spectrum+ unsold. Since the Z80 could address only 16-bit addresses meaning only 64Kb ram can be accessed directly, Sinclair had to use an MMU chip (Memory Management Unit) for memory handling via bank switching, so the new memory will be available as eight pages of 16Kb each at the top of the address. The same technique was used for the ROM at the bottom of the address space. The new features and advanced Ram capabilities made the machine one of the best on the market but soon other companies released more advanced machines on the market, one of these was the Commodore 128 that stated in their advert “three machines in one”. The Spectrum 128K still kept going strong as it was sold cheaper than other competitors especially in Spain which made a great hit.
The club currently owns two ZX spectrum. One system is boxed with manuals, leads and in good working condition. The other system is used as parts, since it’s completely dead. We also have the flyer that Sinclair produced for promotion. On the flyer Sinclair is comparing the ZX spectrum with a BBC micro.