The Cambridge Z88 was under development under Sinclair Research and evolved from Sir Clive Sinclair Pandora portable computer. The Machine was launched in 1987 under Cambridge Computer after Amstrad bought Sinclair Research Ltd. The machine was primary designed for word-processing and spreadsheet and code named PipeDream was a success. As a CPU it is based on a Z80 processor with 32KB RAM which is possible to expand it to 3.5MB with the aid of memory sessions, and 128KB ROM containing its operating system codenamed OZ. The keyboard uses a membrane which makes it silent when you type and has another feature of adding new ROM’s up to 1MB for multiple applications using the available 3 slots externally or the internal slot. Enthusiast users managed to modify the internals for direct access of 512Kb of ram and attaching different types of peripherals to the machine.
The Club owns 1 Cambridge Z88 with manuals and power supply. No box or other peripherals were included with it. As a machine it works perfectly and cosmetically is considered as band new. The previous owner never used it as when bought software was not available in his area.