The Acorn Electron is a slash down version of the BBC Micro and was released in 1983 by Acorn Computers Ltd. It has 32Kbytes RAM and BBC Basic V2.0 in its ROM along with the operating system. The Electron is easily expandable through an expansion port which helped the machine to be the third most sold machine in the UK. It has ports for cassette, RGB monitor, and RF TV, and the expansion port could easily attach disk drives, extra memory, more graphic tools such as teletext, and joysticks. The Hardware of the BBC Computer was emulated by a single ULA chip which made the machine cheap to produce and very reliable. This ULA chip was designed by Ferranti in collaboration with Acorn, and due to the limitation of the chip, only one sound could be produced and not able to produce teletext video. Some models of Electron had a problem namely that after sometime, due to the heat generated by the ULA the chip in question tended to pop out of its socket making all sort of errors. This was solved in later models by placing a metal pressure plate so that the ULA Chip will stay in place. The only drawback was memory access as in order to access the memory the ULA is able to provide 32K x 8 bits of addressable RAM but the electron uses 4164 chips which are 1-bit ram, forcing the ULA to do a two accesses to each chip instead of the traditional one time in the BBC Micro. This also forced video hardware to work the same way slowing down the video display of the Electron.
The Club currently owns 2 units 1 is boxed complete with manuals, cables, software and power supply. The other unit only the manual and power supply are included, both units are fully functional and clean from scratch or dust.